
Music genre finder
Music genre finder

music genre finder music genre finder

In an ideal world I'd love to be able to specify the order of these tags so that I'd be able to specify that "Jazz" (genre) should always come before "bebop" (subgenre), which should always come before "hard bop" (sub-subgenre). But if 'Bebop' - a sub-genre of Jazz - comes up high on Last.Fm, I'd like to have "Jazz Bebop" as my genre even if plain "Jazz" was not one of the tags found by the script.

music genre finder

The identification is based on artificial intelligence and machine learning as we. Just to clarify what I am trying to do - I already have 'first-level' genres for essentially all of my music - so a song may have 'Jazz' as a tag, and that is correct. Our mobile app provides the best way for you to identify genre of any music. I guess I could try to individually list every one of the couple of hundred of genres in my collection on my keep list - but I was wondering if there isn't some easier way to do this. I tried adding *Genre to the keep list (so that it would keep any Genres already in place) but it looks like that does not work for keep lists. Perhaps I am missing an elegant way to do this. I am not sure whether keep lists would be sufficient to do what I am looking for - i.e., keeping any/all current tags in place, but add any additional ones found.

Music genre finder